Dawn Falcone, the founder of The Chaos Liberator, has been helping people get organized at home and work since 2006. She grew up in a chronically disorganized home and spent many rainy days clearing out family closets, cabinets and junk drawers. Dawn is passionate about teaching the value of living a meaningful life with less physical stuff.
Dawn is a graduate of The Fashion Institute of Technology and has worked in the fashion and interior design industry. She utilizes her background to organize with an eye towards design.
Dawn is also a Reiki practitioner and teaches vision board classes and the Art of Letting Go.
Dawn divides her time between Jackson Heights (Queens in da house!) and the Poconos with her husband Tom, a true renaissance man, Leo, their spirited 13 year old son and Sam, their rescue dog, who is the true ruler of the home.
Some jobs require a team of specialized individuals functioning together to make it happen. We work with a variety of highly trained professional organizers, project managers, movers and interior designers to assist on projects. They are the best at what they do. They help our clients create time and space while keeping them motivated.